Building a measure of academic flexibility for my teachers middle School
flexibility - academic flexibility - preparatory school teachersAbstract
The aim of the study is to build a scale to measure the academic flexibility of preparatory school teachers.The study community reached (1779) male and female teachers , and several samples of the study procedures were selected, and the basic sample reached (600) male and female teachers distributed among the schools of the Nineveh Governorate Center. Through reviewing previous studies, (4) areas of academic flexibility were identified. The researchers collected the scale items through an exploratory questionnaire and looking at previous studies. The number of the scale items in its initial form was (48) items. The apparent validity and construction validity were calculated. Paragraph discrimination was calculated and then (8) items were deleted, and the number of items in the final formula became (40) items. . Stability was calculated using the retest method and Cronbach's alpha method.The highest score for the scale is (200) and the lowest score for the scale is (40) with a hypothetical mean (120). They recommended using the scale to measure academic resilience, and also suggested conducting a study using the scale entitled Academic Resilience and its relationship to the emotional lifestyle of preparatory school teachers.
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