The effect of interactive learning by computer on the skillful performance and cognitive achievement of weightlifting among students of the Faculty of Physical Education


  • Nazim Kazem Jawad كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى
  • Nabil Mahmoud Shaker كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى
  • Nebras Ali Latif كلية التربية الرياضية /جامعة ديالى



1 Introduction and the importance of the research:
Our current era is characterized as the age of advanced technology, information and explosion
knowledge, which led to the breeding of scientific and technological systems that prompted specialists to search for
New ideas to invest the data and technologies of this era in achieving specific goals, especially
In physical education. The developments in various fields, especially the sports field
Including the game of weightlifting, which is one of the oldest sports activities, as it was practiced by man
. It aims (1) spontaneously by lifting stones and rocks for self-defense
The important educational curricula in all faculties of physical education teach students
Motor skills, using available scientific and technological means and methods
To the goal required to assist and make the educational process a success. Ideas have popped up
The necessity of renewal in the methods and methods of teaching, as a result of which many methods were formed.
And modern trends in an attempt to improve the educational process, and one of the most important manifestations of innovation
Recently, education (technology) has emerged, represented by the computer as one of the most prominent
. Interactive programs emerged as a strong competitor in learning motor skills, as (2) their appearances
It works to involve the student in the lesson by stimulating his senses and increasing his motivation
And his interaction with the skill to be learned and clarify the difficult parts of the skill and statement
Common and technical errors of the skill, and thus the student reaches high advantages in performance
The skill, as indicated by (Nabil Mahmoud 2007), is the fast and accurate performance and the lack of skill.
False attempts, the ease of executing the movements and their smoothness, as well as the stability of the level of performance.



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How to Cite

ناظم كاظم جواد, نبیل محمود شاكر, and نبراس علي لطیف, “The effect of interactive learning by computer on the skillful performance and cognitive achievement of weightlifting among students of the Faculty of Physical Education”, jfath, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 84–103, Aug. 2023.