How to prove parentage by legal means
النسب - الطرق - الشريعةAbstract
The safety of genealogy is one of the first purposes of the street’s regulation of the relationship between a man and a woman. Every relationship between them is not based on a legal relationship that the street has forbidden and rejected by custom. It has strengthened every relationship or contact between them based on a legal basis, so that both men and women can preserve the effects of this contact and the consequences that result from it. Children, Islam did not permit anything other than the relationship based on legal marriage with its considered conditions, or possessing the firm oath, and nullifying all kinds of relationships and things, which were recognized by some nations and peoples that deviated from the heavenly curse rituals.
صحيح مسلم ، شرح التوري ، ليحيى بن شرف بن زكريا ، دار احياء التراث ، بيروت ، ط2 ، 1392 .
الطرق الحكيمة ، محمد بن ابي بكر الدمشقي ، ابن قيم الجوزية ، تحقيق مطبعة المدني ، القاهرة .