The effect of special exercises on the development of some physical fitness traits for a discus thrower


  • M. M. Victory Ahmed Othman


التمرينات - اللياقة البدنية - الرمي- القرص


The process of providing the special requirements for each activity of life and its continuity and development is based on the use of knowledge and the use of knowledge and ideas with practical foundations that are characterized by accuracy in order to achieve the desired goal in this activity. Reaching international sports levels requires an integrated preparation in terms of physical and technical aspects, and many developed countries have achieved sporting achievements and won championships based on scientific development in the field of physical education. The entry of the various applied sciences in the sports field, as in the rest of the fields, directly and effectively in the development of sports achievements, is an effective contribution to providing various solutions that help in obtaining advanced results in the training process. In the training units and the extent to which they are related to the progress of the level through the selection of the best methods and training methods that take upon themselves the events of a kind of special adaptation that is compatible with the requirements of sports performance. Hence the importance of the research in the contribution of some special exercises within a training program by the researcher in developing the strength of the aiming arm of the discus thrower.


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How to Cite

م. م. انتصار احمد عثمان, “The effect of special exercises on the development of some physical fitness traits for a discus thrower”, jfath, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1–9, Aug. 2023.