Administrative penalties imposed on the contractor with the administration


  • THekara Abbas Ali


الجزاءات الادارية - المتعاقد - الادارة


In the exercise of its function, the administration resorts to various means, including material actions that do not produce legal effects, such as works related to paving roads, or legal actions that aim to create legal effects, which may be issued unilaterally, such as administrative decisions through contracts concluded with individuals, which may be Civil contracts are subject to the Civil Provisions Law, and according to this law, the administration does not enjoy any privilege vis-à-vis the contracting parties.


Andre de laubadere : contrats administratifs, parts, , tii,p



How to Cite

م.م. ذكرى عباس علي, “Administrative penalties imposed on the contractor with the administration”, jfath, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1–19, Aug. 2023.