School Administration Reality on the Bases of Quality Assurance and the Ways to Develop it from the Administrators Viewpoint at Baghdad and Erbil Intermediates
Administrative schools, Quality Assurance, DevelopmentAbstract
The present study aims at knowing school management state in reality according to quality assurance standards and the ways to develop it in Baghdad and Erbil intermediate schools from their administrative viewpoints. To achieve this, an analytical descriptive method was applied. The study tool was a questionnaire given to (185) administer during the second semester of the academic year (2021-2022).
The study achieved many conclusions and the most important ones are that there are standards of the quality assurance in school administrations at the local education in Baghdad and Erbil intermediate schools. Also, there an opportunity to develop the administrative skills throughout trainings by following the best modern techniques. There were statistical differences between the moderate answers of the sample of the study about the availability of the quality assurance standards of those administers of the local schools in Baghdad and Erbil. These differences are related to the scientific certificate, years of experience, and the trainings attended at.
Furthermore, the researcher recommended to hold workshops aims at applying the effective educational leadership practices. It is also recommended to exchange the modern international experiences within the administrative field. Finally, there is need to do studies that show if there are quality assurance standards in other administrative schools at different levels.
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