The effect of a research-based learning strategy on analytical thinking in science for second-grade intermediate students


  • Hossam Youssef Saleh College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Diyala
  • Noor Muhammad Reda College of Basic Education / University of Diyala



Brain-based learning, thinking, analytical, science subject


 The research aims to verify the effect of the research-based learning strategy on analytical thinking in science for second year middle school students

In order to achieve the goal of the research, the following hypothesis was formulated:

1- There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the mean scores

    The students of the experimental group who study according to the research-based learning strategy and the scores of the students of the control group who study according to the method

     Ordinary analytical thinking test.

The research was applied to second-grade intermediate students who were intentionally selected

      From Motosa (-) of the General Directorate of Diyala Education for the academic year 2021-2022, the research sample consisted of (48) students, with (24) students for the experimental group and (24) students for the control group.

The two research groups were rewarded with the following variables:

  1. Chronological age.
  2. Test the previous information.
  3. Analytical thinking test.

The search tool consisted of:

1- Analytical thinking: The researcher adopted the analytical thinking skills test, which is a test (Abu Riash, 2005) that included (16) paragraphs, which was presented to a group of experts to verify its validity and make some adjustments to suit the Iraqi environment. valid in its final form,

The researcher adopted the following statistical methods:.

T-test for two equal samples, the difficulty coefficient equation, the discrimination force equation, the efficacy equation for wrong alternatives, the Kewder-Richardson -20 equation, the Alpha-Krumbach equation.

After correcting the answers and processing the data statistically using the statistical bag for social sciences spss, the results showed:..

  1. There is a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the analytical thinking test variable in favor of the experimental group.

In light of these results, the researcher concluded that the adoption of research-based learning strategies had a significant and positive impact on the analytical thinking of second year intermediate students, and accordingly a set of recommendations and proposals were reached, the most important of which are: Adopting research-based learning strategies in science teaching, and suggesting the use of these strategies in other educational stages.


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How to Cite

حسام يوسف صالح and نور محمد رضا, “The effect of a research-based learning strategy on analytical thinking in science for second-grade intermediate students”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 104–139, Jun. 2023.