Mental fitness and its relationship to social persuasion of special education teachers
Mental fitness, social persuasionAbstract
- Research abstract: The aim of the research is to identify:
Mental fitness of teachers of people with disabilities.
2- Significance of differences in mental fitness of teachers of people with disabilities according to the gender variable (males, females)
3- Social persuasion of teachers with disabilities.
4- Significance of differences in social persuasion of teachers of people with disabilities according to the gender variable (males, females).
5-The correlation between mental fitness and social persuasion of teachers of people with disabilities.
The research sample consisted of (140) male and female teachers in special education who were chosen in a simple random way.
The two researchers prepared a mental fitness scale that consists of (27) items, the scale consists of two alternatives (A) and (B), where one of the two alternatives is correct, and the researchers gave a score for each alternative (1) for the correct answer and (0) for the incorrect answer, the highest score The respondent gets it (27), the lowest score is (0), and the hypothetical average is (13).
The scale of social persuasion in its final form consists of (24) items, and it consists of two fields: the first field is self-persuasion consists of (10) items, the second field of social persuasion consists of (14) items. Where five alternatives were placed in front of each item of the scale, the items indicating social persuasion were taken by arranging the weights of the alternatives from (5-1), as it gave (5) degrees to the alternative (it always applies to me), a degree of (4) to the alternative (it often applies to me), a degree of (3) to the alternative that (applies to me sometimes), a degree of (2) to the alternative (Applies to me rarely), and a degree of (1) for the alternative (never applies to me) for positive items, and its opposite for negative items, so the highest degree that the respondent can get is (110), and the lowest degree that the student can get (22), and the hypothetical average (66).
The results showed that:
- The research sample of special education teachers have a high level of mental fitness.
2- There are no differences in the mental fitness of special education teachers according to the gender variable (males, females).
3- The special education teachers have a high level of social persuasion.
4-There is a difference in social persuasion of special education teachers according to the gender variable and in favor of males.
5- There is a direct, statistically significant correlation between mental fitness and social persuasion.
The researchers came up with a number of recommendations and suggestions.
The researchers came up with some recommendations and suggestions.
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