The Necessary training requirement for Teaching According to Blended Learning from The Point of View of Fourth grade Students / Department of Pure Sciences


  • Marrib Ahmed Al Mola
  • Qutaiba Shuaib Al Niema
  • Thanaa Ahmed Ibrahim Al Shabeeb



The Necessary training requirement


The study aimed to identify the necessary training needs for teaching according to blended learning from the perspective of fourth-grade students / Department of Biology Sciences and determined according to the gender variable (male, female). The importance of the study was determined in that it keeps pace with the global trend in the field of education as a result of the pandemic, by introducing (blended education), and provides extensive information on training needs and the importance of using it in blended education. The study sample consisted of (122) male and female students. For the purpose of verifying the two objectives of the study, the researcher needed to build a tool in. The tool consisted of (55) paragraphs divided into (6) fields: (lesson planning, teaching methods and styles, student's professional growth, classroom management and organization, evaluation, teaching aids and educational technology). The researcher applied the questionnaire electronically by preparing Forma. Then the answers were statistically treated by using Excel programme and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program in data analysis. This was done After verifying the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that the paragraphs of the lesson planning field came with a higher degree of severity and percentage weight than other fields. Then came the field of teaching aids and educational technology, then the field of teaching methods and styles  ranked third, then the field of the Student's professional development in the fourth rank, then the field of evaluation in the fifth rank, and finally the field of classroom management and organization in the last rank. The study showed that there was a statistically significant difference at the significance level of (0.05) due to the gender variable in all fields of the study in the favor of males. The study was concluded with a set of recommendations in the light of the results


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How to Cite

مآرب محمد احمد المولى, قتيبة شعيب النعمة, and ثناء احمد ابراهيم الشبيب, “ The Necessary training requirement for Teaching According to Blended Learning from The Point of View of Fourth grade Students / Department of Pure Sciences”, jfath, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 151–170, Jun. 2023.