Organizational development of academic programs to keep pace with the needs of the labor market in view of the 2030 vision at Princess Noura Bint Abdul Rahman University
organizational development, academic programs, labor marketAbstract
The study aims to present proposals for the organizational development of academic programs at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University so it can meet the needs of the labor market in accordance with the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision from faculty members’ point of view. This is done by identifying the state of organizational development of academic programs and the challenges that may prevent the harmonization of academic programs at the university so it can meet the needs of the labor market, and to identify the differences between faculty members’ assessment and level of organizational development at Princess Noura bint Abdul Rahman University according to theseز، variables: (college, academic rank, and number of years of experience).
To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used, and the study relied on questionnaires as its tool, which was applied to a sample of (360) faculty members at Princess Nourah University Bint Abdul Rahman. It scored (3.67 out of 5), which is an average located in the third category of the five-year Likert Scale, between (2.61 to 3.40), it is the category that indicates a medium degree of approval. The challenges that prevent the harmonization of academic programs at the Princess Noura University Bint Abdul Rahman University to meet the needs of the labor market scored an average (4.55 out of 5), and this average falls in the fifth order of the five-point Likert Scale, which is between (4.21 to 5), it is the category that indicates a very high degree of agreement that there exists challenges for the organizational development for academic programs. Then came the terms of the proposals for the organizational development of the academic programs at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University to meet the needs of the labor market according to the Kingdom’s 2030 vision from faculty members’ point of view with a high degree which is very good with an arithmetic mean of (4.63 out of 5), it indicates the approval of the study sample for the organizational development proposals.
The study revealed that the variables (college, academic rank, number of years of experience) are not statistically significant, which means that there are not significant statistical differences (i.e., no effect) in the trends of the study sample’s vocabulary towards the organizational development of academic programs to keep pace with the needs of the labor market in the light of the 2030 Vision at Princess Noura University.
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