Current challenges in language Learning and teaching EFL


  • Nizar Hussein Wali Diyala University-College of Basic Education-English Department



challenges ,language learning ,language teaching


English language is widely used all over the world .Today, it works as connecting languages with others .It is considered the best medium to communicate with people in any human society .Thus, English language is better to be taught  to learners in an effective way in order to interact by using this language.Teaching  English language is a continuous process which needs many changes from time to time due to the rapid developments and changes in needs  of societies.

 English language has become a basic part  of any educational program in many schools and institutions concerning language learning .Many studies state that there is an urgent  need to present new trends dealing with language learning and teaching.        This study is an attempt to examine  the existing reasons that emphasized  on the problems of language learning and teaching and look for the new trends that play a positive role in TEFL.         

     The new methods insist  that the learner is the center of learning while the teacher is in the background as a facilitator or helper .To change the view of English language teachers towards the new trends in language learning and teaching, different strategies and styles of learning are presented in EFL classroom for different levels and subject areas.

This study aims at:-

1.Exploring the main challenges in language learning and teaching related to teachers and learners.                                

2.Presenting  the new trends , ready to use-techniques and activities  in language learning.

     The study is limited to the new trends in language learning at the primary stage as it is the basic level of language learning .Certain suggestions and recommendations are presented according to the results of the study.    


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How to Cite

نزار حسين ولي, “Current challenges in language Learning and teaching EFL”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 12–28, Jun. 2023.