The effect of the technique of using colored ceramic adhesive in the training of students of the Department of Technical Education in the production of murals in mosaics
purifying stained ceramic mosaic adhesiveAbstract
This study attempts to investigate the effect of the technique of using ceramic residues in the development of the skill of wall education among students of the Department of Technical Education. The participants included 87 Iraqi EFL learners at the advance level and they were placed randomly into a control group and an experimental group. The students in the experimental group are taught according to new methods while the students in the control group are taught according to traditional method. To collect the pre-test and post-test data, the researchers administered the - validated to be used as a pre and posttest for the two groups of the students. The test is done after teaching art to each group seperately for two months (2020- 2021). The experimental group was taught by using saramic strategies, whereas the controlled group was taught by the traditional method only. The data are analyzed statistically by using t-test formula to measure the difference between the performance of the experimental group in the pre and posttest. In the light of those findings, the researcher suggest some recommendations that are hoped to be helpful for syllabus designers, supervisors and English language teachers
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