The Effect of Physicals Exercises on the Two Traits of Flexibility and endurance of Female Students
Physicals Exercises, Flexibility , enduranceAbstract
The significance of the study can be synopsized in finding out the effect of Physicals exercises which are of vital role on flexibility and endurance. The paper aims at setting Physical exercises for second year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences/ University of Diyala as well as identifying the effect of Physical exercises on the feature of flexibility of second year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences/ University of Diyala in addition to figuring out the impact of Physical exercises on the feature of endurance of second year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences/ University of Diyala. The two researchers hypothesized that there are statistically significant differences between pre and post tests in favor of the post-tests for the experimental group in terms of flexibility of second year female students and that there are statistically significant differences between pre and post tests in favor of the post-tests for the experimental group in terms of endurance of second year female students.
Moreover, the two researchers referred to theoretical studies which contained many sections in relation to the topic of this paper. The sample of the study comprised (13) female students in the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences in the academic year (2020-2021). Furthermore, after conducting the pilot study, the two researchers set the principal tests in the study as they performed the tests of flexibility and endurance on the same outdoor fields of the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. After data collection and processing them statistically, the two researchers found out the following:
- The use of Physical exercises was of focal effect on developing flexibility and endurance due to its great importance for female students.
- The suitability of the delineated exercises to the level of female students which has led to the development of flexibility and endurance.
The two researchers recommended the following:
Paying due attention to the training of Physical exercises to develop (flexibility and endurance
- ) because these two traits are vital and important ones to build the main basis of any sport activity.
- Studying the impact of Physical exercises on developing other physical and kinetic features.
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