The effect of skill exercises in the style of rapid learning on physical-kinesthetic intelligence and learning the skill of long-distance transmission in badminton for female students
: skill exercises, style of rapid learning, physical-kinesthetic intelligence, skill of long-distance transmission in badmintonAbstract
The world is witnessing great developments in many fields, including the sports field, as it witnessed a development of technical performance in all sports and games and events at various levels, which led to accelerating learning processes and shortening its time. Rapid learning focuses on the extent of the learner’s interaction and preoccupation with the scientific material through a cooperative social process filled with With support and guidance from all the surrounding and available sources around it, the importance of the research was summarized by using skill exercises in a quick learning style for the female students in the College of Basic Education, which affect the physical-kinesthetic intelligence and the skill of long-distance transmission in badminton for the female students. Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and the research procedures included the use of the physical-kinetic intelligence scale in addition to testing the transmission skill in badminton. College of Basic Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences The number of (13) female students represents 50% of the community of origin. The researchers reached the following conclusions:
1- The use of skill exercises in a quick learning style had a positive effect on the physical - kinesthetic intelligence and the skill of serving in badminton.
2- There were significant differences in the tests of the variables of the pre and post study in favor of the post choices.
The researchers recommended:
1- Adopting the rapid learning method in order for students to learn other basic skills in badminton.
2- The necessity of using the quick learning method within the teaching methods in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences.
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