The impact of the wandering exhibition strategy on the achievement and development of archaeological awareness among first grade students in the social subject


  • Abdulrazzaq Abdullah Zeidan Al Anbagi University of Diyala / College of Basic Education
  • Aymen Yaseen Abed Al Awsi College of Basic Education / University of Diyala



Strategy Travelling Exhibition , Achievement , Development Archaeological Awareness


The current study aims at investigating The Impact of Travelling Exhibition Strategy on Achievement and  Development of Archaeological Awareness among Intermediate School Students in the Subject of History by validating the following hypotheses:

  1. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying social studies subject according to the strategy of the traveling exhibition and the average scores of students of the control group who are studying the same subject according to the usual method in the post achievement test.
  2. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying social studies subject according to the strategy of the traveling exhibition and the average scores of students of the control group who are studying the same subject according to the usual method in the posttest of archeological awareness.
  3. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the average scores of students of the experimental group who are studying social studies subject using the strategy of travelling exhibition in the pre and post applications of the archaeological awareness scale.
  4. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0,05) between the mean scores of the students of the control group who are studying social studies subject to the usual method in the pre and post applications of the archeological awareness scale.

To verify this, the researcher used a partially controlled experimental design with the two experimental and control groups and the pre and post-tests. By simple random clouds, the researcher chose  Alasdiqaa Intermediate School for Boys, especially the first-class students, to conduct the experiment. In a simple random draw method, section (C) was chosen to be the experimental group that studies social studies according to the alternatives strategy. They numbered (30) students, and section (D) represented the control group that studied according to the usual method, which numbered (30) students. The researcher balanced between the two research groups with the following variables (academic achievement of parents, academic achievement for mothers, social subject scores for the previous year of the academic year (2018-2019), IQ test scores, and in archeology awareness pretest scores.

Scientific subject: It included the first three chapters of the social book, which is scheduled to be taught to middle school first graders by the Ministry of Education in the light of the official system (courses).

Then the researcher formulated (132) behavioral goals, and he prepared daily teaching plans that reached (41) plans for each group (experimental and control).

As for the research tools, the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (40) test items, an objective paragraph of a multiple-choice type distributed according to the first four levels of Bloom classification, namely (knowledge, understanding, application, and analysis). Then the researcher verified the face validity of the test and the content validity by presenting it to a group of specialists in addition to extracting the psychometric properties of the test (difficulty factor, the strength of discrimination, and the effectiveness of wrong alternatives). The researcher applied the test to the two experimental and control groups at the end of the experiment that lasted (13) weeks. As for the stability of the test, we relied on the mid-segmentation equation using the Pearson correlation coefficient of (0.68). After correcting it using the Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient, it became (0.80). Then the researcher relied on the archaeological awareness scale prepared by Laden (Sharabi, 2018), which consisted of (30) test items. the test was applied before and after the experiment begins. Its validity and reliability were confirmed. The researcher adopted the statistical means from the statistical package (SPSS), including the T-test for two independent samples equal in number, Chi-square, Spearman-Brown equation, Alpha Cronbach equation, and stability equation. After correcting the answers and statistically processing the data, the results resulted in a statistically significant difference between the average achievement and the archaeological awareness scale between the students of the two research groups (experimental and control) at the level of significance (05 )0) in favor of the experimental group that studied social studies subject to the touring exhibition strategy. Thus, the researcher rejects the hypotheses and accepts alternative hypotheses for the current research.

Conclusions included in the current study:

  1. The traveling exhibition strategy proved its effectiveness within the limits in which the current research was conducted, in increasing archaeological awareness among middle school students in the budget with the usual method of teaching
  2. The implementation of traveling exhibition strategy steps helped the learners to love participating in the activities of the lesson, which gave them the desire and enthusiasm
  3. Recommendations included in the current study:
  4. The Ministry of Education affirms the establishment of training courses for social teachers on the use of modern teaching strategies, particularly the alternatives strategy in social studies.
  5. Emphasizing on traveling exhibition strategy in social studies, because of its importance in increasing achievement and developing archeological awareness.
  6. Holding training courses for male and female teachers to provide them with the latest modern teaching methods and approaches.

Suggestions included in the current study:

Carrying out similar studies to the current study in:

  1. Conducting studies in knowledge (the effect of the touring exhibition strategy on achievement and the development of the national sense among middle school first-graders)
  2. Carrying out a similar study in other variables, such as patriotism and the development of historical concepts.
  3. Conducting other studies on females instead of males.


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How to Cite

عَبد الرزّاق عَبد الله زيدان العنبكي and ايمن ياسين عبد احمد الأوسي, “The impact of the wandering exhibition strategy on the achievement and development of archaeological awareness among first grade students in the social subject”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 44–71, Jul. 2023.