Social services for specialistis and their posativie effectiveness in the local community/ a field study from the point of view workers in social institution in the city of Erbil


  • Shvan Ismail Hamad University of salahaddin



social service, positive effectiveness


Social institution in the Kurdish region of Iraq and exclusively in the city of Erbil play an active role in providing many services to the segments of society, the current research aims to fulfil this role in the field and to reveal the role of social services from the specialists in these institution (social welfare, womans Guest Home, Autism center, Adolesecent Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Department, Elderly Home) in the city of Erbil and its positive  effectiveness in the local community, by (50) respondents from the inmates in these houses or institutions, After I conducted interviews with them by preparing a from that includes the required in the current research.

    The results showed that social institution, through the workers of social specialists, were effective and positive in relieving many of the efforts of these services, a lot of efforts on the shoulders of their families and relatives


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How to Cite

شفان اسماعيل حمد, “Social services for specialistis and their posativie effectiveness in the local community/ a field study from the point of view workers in social institution in the city of Erbil”, jfath, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 301–328, Jun. 2023.