Quality of life for kindergarten students
: quality of lifeAbstract
The quality of life is related to the environment of the individual, so environmental factors are one of the basic determinants of the individual’s awareness of the quality of his life. Therefore, it is evident through the relationship between the individual and his environment. This relationship is mediated by the feelings and emotions of the individual and his perceptions. The current research aims to identify the quality of life for kindergarten students, proceeding from the importance of the subject of the current research, the importance of the research sample and its variables, it set goals for the research, and it included:
1- Quality of life for kindergarten students.
2- Differences in the quality of life according to the school stage.
3- Differences in the quality of life according to the trend towards studying in the department.
The researcher has adopted the relational descriptive approach in completing her research, and the research sample included (500) students from the kindergarten department students, who were randomly chosen stratified, in order to achieve the goals of the research, it was necessary to have a tool through which to collect data and relevant information with the research, the researcher built a measure (quality of life), and to extract the apparent honesty, the researcher presented the items of the measure in its primary form, on a number of arbitrators and their number reached (18) arbitrators, the quality of life measure has lost the number of its items (20) items and alternatives (it always applies to me , it often applies to me, it sometimes applies to me, it doesn't apply to me, It never applies to me) with degrees (1,2,3,4,5), the researcher used the T-test to extract the discriminatory power of the measure items and the analysis of variance to extract the differences between the study variables, the stability coefficient by the way of re-testing reached (0,85) and by a Fakronbach method (0,89), and after applying the measures together to the sample individuals (500) females students, the results were calculated and were:
- A difference between female students who have a quality of life, as the high percentage (21%), the low (17%), and the average (62%)
- There were no differences in the quality of life between female students, according to the variable of the school stage.
- There were differences in the quality of life among female students, according to the variable of desire to study in the department.
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