The effectiveness of teaching with a model from the constructivist theorygood Lavoies in acquiring Biological Concepts for sixth graders in the science book


  • Muna Abdullah Ismail College of Basic Education / University of Diyala



Teaching effectiveness, constructivist theory,good Lavoie model, acquisition of Biological Concepts


      The current study aims to identify (the effectiveness of teaching with a model of the constructivist theorygood Lavoies in acquiring biological concepts for sixth-grade students in the Science Book)In Jaddah elementary mixed school of the General directorate of education for diyala for the academic year (2020-2021).The researcher used the experimental design with the two experimental and control groups, one of which controls the other partially and with the post-test for acquiring biological concepts. A) To represent the experimental group and the number of its members (32) taught according to the constructivist theory, while Division (C) represents the control group and the number of its members (32) students taught according to the usual method. Science) The scientific subject was defined in units (first, second, and third) from the science book for the sixth grade of primary school, and the experiment was applied in the first semester. For the academic year (2020-2021), the researcher taught the two research groups herself, and the teaching plans were prepared, as they amounted to (14) plans for the experimental group, and the same for the control group. For the three levels of acquisition (definition, discrimination, and application), as for the research tool, the biological concepts acquisition test was prepared, which consisted of (72) objective paragraphs of the multiple-choice type. It reached (85¸0) the ratio indicates that the tool obtained high stability, and the results of the research using the T-test for two independent samples showed the following: The students of the experimental group who studied according to model from the constructivist theory outperformed the students of the control group who studied according to the usual method in the acquisition test  Scientific concepts, as the calculated (T) value amounted to (3.33), while the tabular (T) value reached (2) at the level of significance ( 0.05), and thus the null hypothesis was rejected, and through the results the effectiveness of the intervention was concluded. Reiss with a model of the constructivist theory in acquiring biological concepts for sixth graders. Based on what was mentioned, the researcher recommended a number of recommendations, including the necessity of introducing constructivist theory models in teaching science because of its importance in acquiring different concepts and training science teachers on the use of modern models and how to prepare teaching plans both before and during service. The researcher recommended conducting more studies on different subjects and stages of study and on other variables


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How to Cite

منى عبد الله إسماعيل, “The effectiveness of teaching with a model from the constructivist theorygood Lavoies in acquiring Biological Concepts for sixth graders in the science book”, jfath, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 350–362, Jun. 2023.