The strategic intelligence of principals (private schools) from their point of view
intelligence, strategy, principals, schools, primary, eligibilityAbstract
The problem of research is illustrated by the need for intelligent leaders and thinkers with intellectual abilities and non-traditional skills that depend on the foundations of knowledge development and experience and its principles and the formation of perceptions and visions related to the future and ways to confront the present, which has become characterized by highly dynamic rapid changes successively, and comes the importance of the topic of strategic intelligence in research as it is one of the topics that has received the attention of many interested, which increased the importance of following them and analyzing them constantly to research the possibility of containing and overcoming them and then trying to Control or influence them to ensure success, excellence, survival and adaptation to the changes that surround them. The research aims to identify the level of strategic intelligence of the principals of (civil primary schools) from their point of view. The research identified the 181 principals of civil primary schools who work in the directory of the Second Resafa (Baghdad Governorate) for the year of the 20212022, where the researcher identified a set of terms for the research, on the theoretical side that has Related to the topic and addressing a series of studies related to the subject research, and followed a set of procedures in terms of describing and designating the research community where a sample of (50) individuals was obtained and the ratio (.6.27%) to the research community, The researcher built a special tool for research through access to previous literature and studies, as well as the open question where honesty and stability were conducted on the tool and then the research came out with a number of results and then presented and interpreted. Then i put in place a set of conclusions, recommendations and proposals for research
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