Educational Technology in Iraqi Universities (Usages and Obstacles) from the Point View of Members of Teaching Staff (University of Diyala as an Example)
Educational Technology, Usages and ObstaclesAbstract
- Identify the obstacles of educational technologies usages from the point view of members of teaching staff at University of Diyala.
- Building a list that includes obstacles of educational technologies usages from the point view of members of teaching staff at University of Diyala.
- Identify the obstacles of educational technologies usages from the point view of members of teaching staff at University of Diyala according to variables of gender (male - female), academic specialization (scientific - humanitarian), country of obtaining the certificate (inside Iraq - outside Iraq), marital status (single - married), professional scientific title (Assistant Instructor- Instructor - Assistant Professor - Professor), and years of university service (1-15, 16-30, 31 and above). English translation.
The researchers adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The research community consisted of all members of the teaching staff at University of Diyala for the academic year 2021-2022 amounting (1324) members, and the number of sample members amounted (300) members, selected by the random class method. As for the research tool, the researchers built a questionnaire consisting of (55) items distributed over six fields, obstacles related to teaching (18) items, obstacles related to students (5) items, technical obstacles (13) items, financial obstacles (7) items, cultural obstacles (7) items, and psychological and social obstacles (5) items. The researchers used the statistical package (SPSS) to analyze the data, and the results of the research showed the following: English translation.
All the fields and indicators of the questionnaire constituted obstacles for implementing educational technologies among the members of the teaching staff, and the order of these difficulties are as follows: the field of obstacles related to students came in first place, the field of financial obstacles in second place, while for the rest of the fields such as psychological and social obstacles, obstacles related to teaching, cultural obstacles, and technical obstacles, they were similar in terms of the size of the obstacle. The existence of statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the average responses of teaching members is related to variables of gender and in favor of females, variable of specialization in favor of humanitarian specialization, the variable of country of obtaining the certificate in favor of within Iraq, the variable of marital status in favor of single, the variable of scientific title in favor of Instructor and Assistant Instructor, as well as for the years of university service in favor of (1-15) years
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