The Effectiveness of Rally strategy on the Achievement and self-confidence among First-Grade Intermediate Students in Social Subject
Rally Strategy, Achievements , Self- confidenceAbstract
The current research aims at identifying the effectiveness of the Rally Strategy on the achievement and self-confidence among first-grade intermediate students, in social subject
The research community is represented by the first-grade intermediate students registered with the General Directorate of Education in Diyala Governorate. The researcher selects the Al-Baladhuri Intermediate School for Boys intentionally, specifically the first-grade intermediate students as a field to conduct the experiment. By using a simple random draw method, section (A) is chosen to be an experimental group who taught the social subject according to the Rally strategy which numbered (33) students, and section (C) is represented the control group who taught according to the traditional way of teaching which numbered (32) students.
The researcher has used an experimental method and chose an quasi- experimental design with a posttest consisting of an experimental group and control group for his research. With equivalence variables, namely: (chronological age, intelligence, previous historical information, previous achievement in social subject, self-confidence scale) of both research groups, the statistics proved the equivalence of the two research groups in those variables. Then after identifying the scientific topics, the researcher formulates the behavioral objectives and prepares the teaching plans for the students of the experimental and control groups.
The achievement test consists of (30) objective items of multiple choice type with four alternatives, and its validity and psychometric properties are verified (ease and difficulty factor Its paragraphs, discriminatory power, and the effectiveness of wrong alternatives. The stability of its paragraphs was found by adopting the Keoder Richard equation, which amounted to (0.85). The experiment was applied in the first academic course for the year (2021-2022), and the Al-Ghamdi scale (2009) of self-confidence, consisting of (22) items, was adopted, and using Statistical means The results showed that the students of the experimental group who were taught according to the Rally strategy were superior to the students of the control group. In achievement and self-confidence, and in light of the results reached by the researcher, a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions. From (30) substantive paragraphs of the type of multiple choice with four alternatives. It and its psychometric properties (the coefficient of ease and difficulty of its items, the discriminatory strength and the effectiveness of the wrong alternatives, and the stability of its items is verified by adopting the Richard’s equation, as it is reached to (0.85), the experiment is applied in the first academic course of the year (2021-2022), and the Al-Ghamdi scale (2009) is adopted for the self-confidence which contains (22) items. Through using statistical methods, the results show that the students of the experimental group who are taught according to the Rally strategy are superior than the students of the control group in terms of the achievement and self-confidence, and in light of the results reached by the researcher, he puts forward a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.
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