Evaluating the e-learning higher diploma program at Princess Nourah Bint AbdulRahman University in light of ISTE standards
Program Evaluating - Higher DiplomaAbstract
The study aimed to evaluate the e-learning higher diploma program at Princess Nourah Bint AbdulRahman University according to the students standards of the International Society for Technology in Education ISTE*S. The study adopted the case study approach through self-evaluating the higher diploma program and comparing its goals to ISTE*S standards and identifying its availability. After applying the study tools: the content analysis questionnaire, the analysis form and the open interview with the students, the results were clear that the goals of the diploma courses achieve all seven criteria, but in varying proportions in line with the field of objectives related to them, and the highest standards were Achieved is the first criterion (Empowered Learner), while the two weakest criteria were the second (Digital Citizen) and the sixth (Creative Communicator). Based on these results, the study recommended the necessity of reviewing the goals of the diploma courses and teaching strategies and adding some topics, in order to reach achieving higher standards.
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