Defensive pessimism among kindergarten teachers and its relationship to some variables
Defensive PessimismAbstract
The current research aims to identify:
1- Defensive pessimism among kindergarten teachers.
2- Defensive pessimism among kindergarten teachers according to the social status variable (married - single - widow - divorced), and according to the service variable.
Research limits: The current research is determined by kindergarten teachers in Baghdad governorate for the academic year (2021-2022). Scales locally and in the Arab world (to the knowledge of the researcher), as well as the lack of a foreign scale codified on the Arab environment that is suitable for the current research community. To achieve these goals, it was necessary to resort and building it by the researcher. The scale, in its final form, consists of (35) items, with five alternatives (applies to me completely, applies to me a lot, applies to me to a moderate degree, applies to me a little, and does not apply to me at all) and with weights (5-4-3-2-1). The highest score for the scale is (175) and the lowest score is (35), with a hypothetical average of (105). In light of the research results, the researcher concludes the following:
- The research sample kindergarten teachers have defensive pessimism in a high way
- It was found from the results of the research that there is no statistically significant difference in relation to the social status variable and the service variable.
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