The role of technologies and teaching aids between the familiar and the new in the educational process and its obstacles from the tachers point of view


  • Batool Fadel Jawad كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى



educational medium - educational techniques


       The current research aims to know (the role of educational techniques and aids in the educational process and its obstacles from the point of view of teachers), hypotheses,

  1. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the responses of the sample members about the importance of using techniques and teaching aids in education according to the variable of gender, academic qualification and years of service from the teachers' point of view.
  2. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the responses of the sample members about the obstacles to the use of techniques and teaching aids in education according to the variable of gender, academic qualification and years of service from the teachers' point of view.

 so the researcher used the descriptive approach in the survey method on a sample of (30) male and female teachers in Hehabb district in the two schools (Hebheb Elementary School for Boys) and (Toledo Primary School). For the second semester of the academic year (2016-2017 AD), the researcher prepared a questionnaire for this and after distributing, collecting and unloading data and processing them statistically, the researcher reached the most important conclusions, including: The educational technologies and satellites are the auxiliary tools through which the teacher can facilitate his task, improve it and perform it to the fullest. It helps students to develop their higher actual abilities. And the new educational techniques and means may be more beneficial than the traditional (synthetic) educational method because modern techniques and educational means work to attract attention, suspense and motivation towards learning more .

The researcher recommended the following: It is necessary for

teachers to know the specifications of techniques and teaching aids to be able to use them in teaching their students .

The researcher suggested the necessity of conducting a study through which it is possible to identify the impact of the use of techniques and teaching aids in teaching scientific and literary subjects in primary, middle, secondary and preparatory schools.




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How to Cite

بتول فاضل جواد, “The role of technologies and teaching aids between the familiar and the new in the educational process and its obstacles from the tachers point of view”, jfath, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 423–443, Aug. 2023.