Cognitive integration and its relationship to the achievement of history among sixth-grade literary students
Cognitive integrationAbstract
The current research aims to identify:
1- The cognitive integration among sixth-grade literary students.
2- Significance of differences in cognitive integration among sixth-grade literary students according to the gender variable (male-female)
3- The correlation between cognitive integration and the achievement of the sixth-grade literary students in the subject of history.
4- The significance of the statistical differences in the correlation between cognitive integration and the achievement of the sixth-grade literary students in the subject of history according to the gender variable (males – females).
The current research was limited to a sample of (337) male and female students with 40% of the research community in the sixth literary grade in the public preparatory and secondary day schools for boys and girls affiliated to the General Directorate of Education of Diyala Governorate, Baquba District, for the academic year (2021-2022). For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research, the researcher built a scale of cognitive integration. The scale was presented to 20 jury members, experts and specialists in the field of educational and psychological sciences and methods of teaching history, measurement, and evaluation , as it consists of (44) items in its initial form. The jury members gave their notes on the scale's items, and the researcher relied on the opinions of the experts with the adoption of the value (chi-square) to keep the item, or delete it, or modify it. Some items were deleted, others were added and other items were modified, so the number of items became (40) items. After verifying the validity by the method of face validity, construction validity and verifying the reliability in two ways of re-testing, the reliability coefficient reached (0.85) - and the method of the alpha-Cronbach equation was (0.88). As the researcher relied on the statistical package for social sciences (spss) and the (Excel) software to extract the results, which are (T-test) for one sample, T-test ) for two independent samples, Cronbach’s alpha equation, Pearson correlation coefficient, skewness coefficient, flatness coefficient, standard error, arithmetic mean, median, and mode.
The following results showed that:
1- The research sample has cognitive integration.
2- The level of cognitive integration is affected by gender (males, females) in favor of females for the research sample.
3- There is a positive, direct, and statistically significant correlation between cognitive integration and academic achievement, because students who have cognitive integration have a higher level of achievement.
In light of the findings, the researcher recommends the following:
1- The educational institutions should constantly develop the capabilities of the learners in order to absorb different types of knowledge and its applications and produce great results in cognitive integration.
2- Maintaining the provision of information and knowledge in a coherent and gradual manner in order to maintain the students' ability to maintain their cognitive integration.
To complement the current research, the researcher suggested the following:
1- Develop a proposed teaching program for male and female history teachers to provide their students with cognitive integration in order to develop their cognitive activities.
- Conducting a study similar to the current study on other samples (primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, principals).
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