The level of Occupation Embeddedness of lower Elementary Stage Teachers in the Educational Directorate of Hebron From the school principals' point of view


  • Mirvat Ibrahim Shawar Directorate of Education - Hebron
  • Manal Majed Abu Minshar



job embeddedness, Fitness , sacrifice, links


This study aimed to identify the level of career involvement of the teachers of the lower basic stage in the Hebron Education Directorate from the point of view of school principals, and the effect of gender variables, educational qualification, and the number of years of experience in this. The study relied on the descriptive approach, and the study community consisted of (104) principals. And one of the principals of the lower primary stage in the Hebron Education Directorate, during the academic semester (2022-2021),

The sample size of the study consisted of (50) principals who were chosen by the stratified random sampling method, i.e. (51%) of the study population, and a questionnaire was distributed to them to measure the level of career involvement of the teachers of the lower basic stage from the point of view of the school principals, consisting of (26). A paragraph divided into three dimensions (the first dimension is connections, the second dimension is sacrifice, and the third dimension is convenience). With an arithmetic average of (2.88)Also, there were no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05) between the average estimates of the study sample members of the level of job dedication of the teachers of the lower basic stage in the Hebron Education Directorate from the point of view of school principals due to independent variables; (gender, educational qualification, and years of experience).


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How to Cite

ميرفت إبراهيم شاور and منال ماجد أبو منشار, “ The level of Occupation Embeddedness of lower Elementary Stage Teachers in the Educational Directorate of Hebron From the school principals’ point of view”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 136–166, Sep. 2023.