The reality of implementing the goals of sustainable development in school libraries: The libraries of distinguished schools in the city of Baquba are a model


  • Jaffar Hassan Jassem Al-taie Presidency of the University of Diyala/ Director of the Internal Department Affairs Department



libraries , school libraries


The research aims to define the concept of the school library, and what it is in light of sustainable development, define sustainable development and its goals in the United Nations Plan 2030, highlight the goals of sustainable development in school libraries, and draw the attention of officials in the Iraqi Ministry of Education in general and the Diyala Education Directorate in particular. . As for the research methodology, the research adopted the field descriptive approach because it is the most appropriate to the nature and requirements of the research. As for the most important findings of the research, there is a decrease in the level of implementation of the goals of sustainable development, as the percentage of implementation of them reached 37.5%, in addition to the weakness of the financial allocations granted to school libraries.


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How to Cite

جعفر حسن جاسم الطائي, “The reality of implementing the goals of sustainable development in school libraries: The libraries of distinguished schools in the city of Baquba are a model”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 473–488, Sep. 2023.