Psychological empowerment of kindergarten teachers
psychological empowerment, kindergarten teachersAbstract
The main goal of this study is to introduce the Psychological Empowerment of pre-school teachers, statistically significant differences in the psychological empowerment based on experience, and the psychological empowerment of the teachers based on marital status.
The study methodology was to sample teachers form all Education Directories in Baghdad under both Al Karkh and Al Rasafa districts for the school year 2021-2022. The sample included 400 teachers using simple random sampling. The researcher built a Psychological Empowerment measure, this measure included 30 items that covered four fields (meaning, efficiency, freedom of choice and effectiveness). Then the measure was reviewed by experts in the pre-school education and educational psychology fields.
The researcher also used two types of psychological validities, external validity, and construct validity. Two measures of reliability were estimated, and their coefficient were calculated, the Test-retest reliability coefficient was found to be 0.85 and Cronbach’s Alpha was found to be 0.78, and after using the psychological empowerment measure on the sampled individuals; data were collected and processed using SPSS Software. The study concluded the following:
- Pre-school teachers in general have psychological empowerment.
- There are statistically significant differences in teachers’ psychological empowerment based on experience.
- There are no differences in psychological empowerment based on the marital status of the teacher.
Based on the above-mentioned results, the researcher outlined some recommendations and suggestions.
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