Perfectionist traits and their relationship to the parental image among the students of Al-Hamdania University


  • eadhra' juzif rifw University of Mosul / College of Education for Humanities
  • Nada Fattah Al-Abayji University of Mosul / College of Education for Humanities



social upbringing - cultural environment - personal Characteristics


The research aims to identify the relationship between the perfectionism traits and the parental image among the students of Al-Hamdania University, as well as measuring the level of perfectionism traits, measuring the parental image, and revealing the statistical significance of the relationship between them in the light of the variables: gender (males/females), stage (second/fourth) and specialization (scientific/ humanitarian).

To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher chose a stratified random sample of the students of Al-Hamdania University for the academic year (2021-2022). The sample size was (850) students from the scientific and humanitarian specializations and from the second and fourth stages.

To achieve the goal of the research, it is necessary to prepare measurement tools for identifying the level of variables, so the researcher prepared a scale of perfectionism traits which, in its final form, consists of (32) items of five alternatives (strongly agree, agree to some extent, agree, disagree, strongly disagree).  As for the second tool, she adopted the maternal image scale prepared by (Musa: 2016), which in its final version consisted of (28) items of three alternatives for both images (the image of the father, the image of the mother). The alternatives were (agree, somewhat agree, disagree). The validity and stability of the two tools were verified, as well as the rest of the psychometric properties related to the distinction of items and the validity of internal consistency.

The researcher started applying her research tools from Saturday (27/11/2021), for a period of two and a half months, and after collecting data and analyzing them statistically, the results came as follows:

 The students of Hamdania University possess an average level of perfectionism traits.-1

2-Students of Al-Hamdania University have an average level of the parental image (father’s image – mother’s image).

. 3-There is a relationship between the perfectionism traits and the parental image among the students of Al-Hamdania University. 

 , the researcher came up with a number of conclusions, the most important of which are:

.1-The students of Al-Hamdania University have an average level of perfectionism traits and the parental image, and this indicates that they carry personal traits together, .

The researcher also made a number of recommendations. The most important of which are:

1- The university administration should enhance the students’ perfectionism traits through scientific competitions, exhibitions and seminars , University counselors and professors should educate students about the need to respect parents.

., the researcher put forward a number of proposals. The most important of which are

1-Conducting a survey to reveal the level of perfectionism traits and the parental image among outstanding students and their peers at the level of Iraqi universities.


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How to Cite

عذراء جوزيف رفو and ندى فتاح العبايجي, “ Perfectionist traits and their relationship to the parental image among the students of Al-Hamdania University”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 30–67, Dec. 2023.