Reluctance of some of the teachers to use Newton Platform of Education in primary and secondary schools
: reluctance of teachers, technology – based teaching, Newton Platform of education, distance educationAbstract
This research aims to find out the reluctance of some of the teachers to use Newton Platform of Education in primary and secondary schools in Diyala Governorate. The field survey approach was used to collect and analysis data via the SPSS program. The research sample consists 1081 of 1200 the total of the population study (six schools for each district) in Diyala Governorate. An electronic questionnaire form consisted of 25 open – ended questions to find out the causes of the reluctance of some of the teachers to use Newton Platform of Education. The study indicated that all paragraphs of the questionnaire and all of its four domain is significant except the five paragraph in the first domain was significant for Mean Score – and there is a statistically significant difference between Mean Score in experience and gender variables (M=males < females). Moreover, it is indicated that there is a great reluctance among most of the teachers (more than 10 experience years) to use Newton Platform of Education in Diyala city schools. It is recommended the necessity of training all teachers on technology – based teaching methods to acquire the necessary of digital skills .It is suggested to develop the digital skills of teachers to use of educational platforms in schools.
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