Attitudes of Teachers Towards Students with Learning Difficulties in the Primary Stage


  • Ahmed Malik Ibrahim General Directorate of Education of Salah Al-Din



attitudes, basic stage teachers


Teachers’ attitudes are one of the important topics in the educational process, due to their significant role in influencing their behavior in dealing with learners. An important segment of these learners are selected, namely pupils with learning difficulties in primary schools who study in the first basic primary grades (first, second, and third) and who are exposed to psychological disorders more than others as a result of the difficulty of their psychological, educational and social compatibility with their peers.

  The aim of this study :

- Identifying attitudes of primary school teachers towards students with learning difficulties who are integrated into regular classes

- Identifying the differences in attitudes among teachers towards students with learning difficulties according to the variables (gender, educational qualification, and years of service).

The sample of the research includes male and female teachers in primary schools within the Tikrit district. The data are statistically processed and the following results are obtained:

-The primary school teachers' attitudes are positive towards students with learning difficulties.

- There are no statistically significant differences according to the variables (gender, educational qualification) between teachers in the basic stage of primary school towards students with learning difficulties.

- There are statistically significant differences according to the variables (years of experience) between teachers in the basic stage of primary school towards students with learning difficulties.

The researcher recommends:

- Organizing workshops for teachers and principals of primary schools in order to raise awareness of the importance of adopting modern methods and means to deal with and take care for students with learning difficulties.

- The need to develop modern audio-visual teaching aids that are suitable for students with learning difficulties


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How to Cite

احمد مالك إبراهيم, “Attitudes of Teachers Towards Students with Learning Difficulties in the Primary Stage”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 303–318, Dec. 2023.