The Efficiency of Mathematics Teachers' Application of the Five-Year Plan from the Viewpoint of the Specialty Supervisors


  • Doaa Kareem Mahdi / Directorate of Education Baghdad / Karkh third



efficiency - application - the five-year plan - mathematics teachers - specialty supervisors


The current research aims to The adequacy of mathematics teachers' application of the (5Es) plan from the viewpoint of the specialty supervisor, And To achieve the research goal, the researcher followed the descriptive survey method ., formedthe sample from (11)supervisor from my supervisor mathematics by (6) supervisor And the(5) Fro honorable the Third Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Karkh, they were chosen at random, in the first semester of the academic year (2022-2023),I dated the researcher Questionnaire addressed to Honorable mentions Mathematics about the application of the five-year plan, which consists of (25) itemsas a research too, test was used(Man and Whitney),and test (Kruskal Wallace) to find the significance of the differences in the answers of the research sample members to the variables (gender, educational qualification, and years of service)The results concluded that factors related to application efficiency the teacher for the five-year plan In mathematics for the primary stage, it came with a (significant) degree from one point of view jurisdiction supervisors, while There are no statistically significant differences between paragraphs of the axis as a who leat the level of significance (0.05)according to variables(Gender, educational qualification, and years of service)In light of the results, the researcher came out with several recommendations and proposals


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How to Cite

دعاء كريم مهدي, “The Efficiency of Mathematics Teachers’ Application of the Five-Year Plan from the Viewpoint of the Specialty Supervisors”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 355–370, Dec. 2023.