The level of family participation and its challenges in the early language intervention programs for children with intellectual disabilities and their challenges from families’ point of view
family participation, early language intervention programs, intellectual disability, challengesAbstract
The current research aims to identify the level of family participation in the early language intervention programs for children with intellectual disabilities and its challenges from the families' point of view. To achieve this goal, the researchers used the analytical descriptive approach by applying a questionnaire as a tool for data collection on the sample of the research which consists of (256) families in the city of Makkah and which were chosen randomly. The results of the first question indicated to a higher level of family participation, with an arithmetic mean of (3.97), through observing the responses of the research sample to the questionnaire which consisted of (10) paragraphs. The results of the second question also indicated to an average level of challenges for family participation, with an arithmetic mean of (3 .44). The researchers recommend the necessity to include family participation in the early language intervention programs for children with intellectual disabilities in the organizational and procedural manuals for special education.
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