Requirements of the physical educational environment in middle schools for art education subject from the point of view of art education teachers and teachers


  • Walid ail habeeb Directorate of Education / Diyala Institute of Fine Arts / Diyala



Physical educational environment, art education


The aim of the research is to discover the extent to which the educational environment specifications are available for teaching art education in middle schools. The research community was selected from male and female teachers who teach art education for middle schools within the geographical area of ​​the center of Diyala Governorate and up to (253) while the research sample was up to (100).

 And in applying the research procedures, it relied on the analytical descriptive approach and using the statistical means package in analyzing the data that was collected and classified according to its paragraphs. The results showed that the appropriate educational environment was not available in teaching and investigation  the goals of art education and its educational outputs which are in accordance with sustainable feasibility criteria in most of the schools that have been identified.

The areas in which the educational environment must be provided, which is (the material component). The researcher concluded that the engineering design in most government schools is similar in the design of the school building, and here fore there is no specific privacy, but rather the mere division of spaces into classrooms, and this is consistent with the results of the study.  Therefore, the researcher recommends that the educational specifications and requirements be taken into account when planning to establish and build schools in accordance with international developments in building schools and their appendices. The researcher also suggests conducting
A complementary experiment for the subject of the educational environment, including the role of the educational curriculum in developing the cognitive achievement skills of middle school students.


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How to Cite

وليد علي حبيب, “Requirements of the physical educational environment in middle schools for art education subject from the point of view of art education teachers and teachers”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 232–249, Mar. 2024.