Employing the flipped classroom in teaching computer subject and its impact on the achievement of second intermediate grade students and developing thinking
inverted classroom, detective thinking, multiple-choice test, teaching computer subjectAbstract
The aim of the research is to employ the flipped classroom in teaching computer subject and its impact on the achievement of the second intermediate grade students and the development of their deductive thinking. In order to implement the research experiment, a sample was intentionally selected from the students of the second intermediate grade in Fatima Al-Zahra Secondary School for Girls in the city of Mosul for the academic year (2018/2019). Its members reached (64) students. It was distributed randomly into two divisions, one of which was the experimental group consisting of (32) students who studied using the flipped classroom strategy, and the other was the control group consisting of (32) students who studied according to the usual method . In order to achieve the goal of the research and test its hypotheses, the two researchers prepared an achievement test in the computer subject, in its final form, consisting of (40) objective paragraphs of the type of multiple choice with four alternatives. They were characterized by honesty and steadfastness. After that, the experiment was carried out in the second semester of the year (2018/2019) by the subject teacher, as study plans were prepared for both groups. After applying the two tools and collecting data and analyzing them statistically, the results showed the following : There is a statistically significant difference between the average achievement of the two research groups in computer subject and in favor of the experimental group, and the same result when developing deductive thinking
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