Aesthetic obsession among university students, a field study Diyala University


  • Haitham Ahmed Ali University of Diyala - College of Education for Humanities
  • Ayman Ali Ahmeed University of Diyala - College of Education for Humanities



aesthetic obsession


The aim of the current research is to identify the aesthetic obsession among university students. To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher built a scale (aesthetic obsession) based on the theory of (Pierre Bourdieu, 2001) in building the scale.

The psychometric properties of the scale have been extracted in terms of virtual honesty and indicators of the sincerity of construction, but stability has been extracted in two ways test and re-test, which amounted (0.88) while the coefficient of stability of the tool in a way Alpha-Cronbach was (0.87) as the scale became final consisting of (29) items and then the scale was applied to the current research sample consisting of (400) students from the University of Diyala for the morning study, of both sexes (male-female) and specialization (scientific-human)

 for the academic year (2022-2023), which were chosen using the proportional random stratified method for ease of application. When processing the study data statistically (the   t-test for one sample, Pearson's correlation coefficient, the t-test for two independent samples, and the Vakronbach equation).

 The results revealed that the members of the research sample, the members of the current research sample, do not have an aesthetic obsession, and in light of the results, the current research came out with a number of recommendations and proposals.


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How to Cite

هيثم احمد علي and أيمان علي احميد, “Aesthetic obsession among university students, a field study Diyala University”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 348–366, Mar. 2024.