The Impact of Using Buxton Model on the Achievement of Fourth Graders (Scientific Branch) Students in Mathematics


  • Duha Sajid Ibrahim مديرية تربية ديالى
  • Sara Natiq Adnan جامعة ديالى



Buxton model, collection


          The aim of this paper is to find out the impact of using Buxton model on the achievement of fourth graders (scientific branch) in mathematics. So as to achieve the aim of the paper, one hypothesis was developed (there is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of students in the test group who are studying mathematics according to the Buxton model and the average scores of the students in the control group who study in the traditional method in the achievement test in mathematics). Moreover, to verify the validity of this hypothesis, the researcher conducted her experiment where the research was limited to fourth grade students (scientific branch) with the adoption of the experimental design of partial adjustment of two groups (test and control) with post-testing. Furthermore, the researcher has intentionally selected (Al-Had Al-Akhdhar High School) for the application of the experiment. Then, she has randomly selected Section A to represent the test group, while Section (B) represented the control group. Additionally, the research sample comprised (56) students; (28) students in the test group, and (28) students in the control group.

Next to that, the researcher has statistically matched students of the two research groups using the two samples T-test in the following variables (IQ test, previous achievement in mathematics, previous knowledge).

After identifying the topics of the scientific material to be taught during the duration of the experiment, the researcher formulated behavioral objectives, prepared teaching plans, presented them to a group of experts and specialists to judge their validity, and made necessary adjustments to make the plans ready to be implemented in the light of their views.


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How to Cite

ضحى ساجد ابراهيم and سارة ناطق عدنان, “The Impact of Using Buxton Model on the Achievement of Fourth Graders (Scientific Branch) Students in Mathematics”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 367–384, Mar. 2024.