The impact of skill exercises according to the web quest strategy (web quest embodied) in learning some basic handball skills for students


  • Haider Shaker Mazhar Diyala University / College of Basic Education
  • Mushtaq Farhan Hassan Diyala University / College of Basic Education



Web Quest strategy (web quest stereotyped)


The importance of the study lies in using the web quest strategy embodied through carefully selected resources and websites prepared in advance by the teacher, who provides students with tasks that enable them to build knowledge and acquire it using higher-order thinking skills. Therefore, to conduct knowledge tours using the Internet that contribute to facilitating the practical side of the subject.

This may refer to the use of modern methods to assist the traditional teaching methods used, which do not allow students to imagine the form of technical performance of the handball skill they are studying On its impact on learning some basic handball skills for students.         According to the research methodology and its sample, the researcher used the experimental approach for its suitability to the nature of the problem to be solved. It consisted of two groups, an experimental and a control group, each group consisting of (20 students), as the implementation of the curriculum began on Sunday 11/27/2022 and was completed on Sunday 1/8/2023. Based on what the research results revealed, the researcher reached the following conclusions and recommendations: the emergence of preference for the impact of the use of the three-dimensional web quest strategy and its effectiveness on the method used in learning the skillful performance of some basic skills in handball, and the researcher recommended emphasizing the use of the web quest strategy (( The stereoscopic web quest in education is more influential in the various stages of learning and is an essential part of the content of the curriculum, and the need to use the stereoscopic web quest strategy in learning other handball skills.


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How to Cite

حيدر شاكر مزهر and مشتاق فرحان حسن, “The impact of skill exercises according to the web quest strategy (web quest embodied) in learning some basic handball skills for students”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 385–404, Mar. 2024.