Bullying Among Middle school Students From the Point of View of the Teaching Staff


  • Abbas Hashem Muhammad Diyala University / College of Basic Education




bullying behavior, middle school, school bullying


This research was conducted in Iraq and aims to study the phenomenon of bullying among middle school students from the point of view of the teaching staff. The researcher used the descriptive approach and chose a sample of male and female teachers within the schools of Diyala Governorate (50 male and female teachers) which is based on the previous studies and scientific literature, and then finding the validity of the tool by presenting it to a group of arbitrators and specialists in educational psychology, child psychology and adolescent psychology. Stability was found by the re-test method and using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Ater applying the questionnaire to the two study samples and downloading the data by using an appropriate statistical methods, the researcher reached the most important reasons that led to the spread of the phenomenon of bullying in society in general and among students in particular, as well as knowing the reasons for the transformation of the modern school into a hotbed of bullying.key words: bullying behavior, middle school, school bullying


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How to Cite

عباس هاشم محمد, “Bullying Among Middle school Students From the Point of View of the Teaching Staff”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 405–426, Mar. 2024.