The effect of Counselling Program in Style of Self-Conrol in reducing Moral Disengagement among students of the Institute of Fine Arts for Girls


  • Amera Mizhar Hamid Diyala Education Directorate - Institute of Fine Arts for Girls / Morning study– Diyala



Self-Control, Moral Disengagement


The current research aims to identify The effect of Counselling Program in Style of Self-Conrol in reducing Moral Disengagement among students of the Institute of Fine Arts To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher used the experimental approach, and the basic research sample consisted of (100) fifth-Stage students at the Institute of Fine Arts for Girls. They were chosen randomly and the scale was applied to them in order to diagnose the students who have a high level of Moral Disengagement through the application of the scale that the researcher built and the  psychometric characteristics were extracted for it, and(20) female students who obtained the highest scores in the scale of Moral Disengagement were selected and distributed to (10) students in the group The experimental and (10) female students in the control group, to which the self-Control method of Pandora was applied, and the number of sessions of the program reached (10) sessions, and the researcher concluded that there is a high level of moral liberation among the female students, and there are statistically significant differences between the members of the experimental group and the control group in the results of the post-test and in favor of the experimental group, and this is evidence that the program It had a positive effect


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How to Cite

اميره مزهر حميد, “ The effect of Counselling Program in Style of Self-Conrol in reducing Moral Disengagement among students of the Institute of Fine Arts for Girls”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 71–100, Jun. 2024.