Neurotic Perfectionism and Its Relationship to Cognitive Inhibition Among Middle School Students in Schools for the High Achievers


  • Ahlam Mahdi Abdullah Al-Ezzi Diyala Education Directorate - Institute of Fine Arts for Girls / Morning study– Diyala



Neurotic Perfectionism- Cognitive Inhibition – High achievers


The current research aims to identify (Neurotic Perfectionism and Its Relationship to Cognitive Inhibition Among Middle School Students in Schools for the High Achievers) to identifying the significance of the differences according to the gender variables (males - females) for both Neurotic Perfectionism and Cognitive Inhibition , and to find out the correlation between them. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher built a scale of Neurotic Perfectionism. The scale in its final form consisted of (20) items, and the Cognitive Inhibition test was adopted by (Stroop,1935), which was translated and applied by the researcher Durgham Abdel-Ridha Al-Sayed Al-Maksousi in his thesis tagged (Comparative study Among those with cognitive Inhibition (high - low) in visual selective attention among university students), which consists of three lists that include)      group of influences ((words - numbers - direction) printed in different colors. Then, the two   measures were applied to the research sample, 200)  male and female  students

who were chosen randomly  from the center of Diyala Governorate after analyzing and processing the data statistically by using the following statistical methods: the t-test for one sample, and the t-test for two samples. The researcher reached the following results. The High achievers students have Neurotic Perfectionism, and that there are no statistically significant differences depending on the gender variable, nor do they have Cognitive Inhibition. As a result, there are  no statistically significant differences depending on the gender variable. It also found that there is an inverse correlation between the two variables of Neurotic Perfectionism and  Cognitive Inhibition of the Middle School Students in the School of the High Achievers                                                   


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How to Cite

احلام مهدي عبدالله العزي, “Neurotic Perfectionism and Its Relationship to Cognitive Inhibition Among Middle School Students in Schools for the High Achievers”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 102–132, Jun. 2024.