Marital muteness and its relationship to avoidant personality disorder and low self-esteem among Saudi couples


  • Nadia Mohammad Alamri Associate Professor of Psychology Faculty of Education - Department of Psychology Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU



marital mutism - avoidant personality disorder


The current study aimed to reveal marital mutism and its relationship to avoidant personality disorder and low self-esteem among Saudi couples, and to identify the differences in the study variables according to gender (male-female). In the city of Riyadh, it was divided into (100) husbands and (100) wives of the husbands. Among the tools, the study used the marital mute scale. (prepared by Al-Hartani, 2022), the avoidance personality disorder scale (prepared by Ibrahim, 2021), and the self-lowering scale (prepared by the researcher). The results of the study indicated that there is a medium positive direct correlation between marital mutism and avoidant personality disorder among married Saudis, and there is a moderate positive direct correlation between marital mutism and low self-esteem among married Saudis, and there is a medium positive direct correlation between avoidant personality disorder and low self-esteem among married Saudis. It was also found that there is a statistically significant difference between married Saudis in each of the measures of marital mutism, avoidant personality disorder, and self-deprecation, according to gender, in favor of the female group.


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How to Cite

نادية محمد العمري, “Marital muteness and its relationship to avoidant personality disorder and low self-esteem among Saudi couples”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 160–190, Jun. 2024.