The Effect of Proposed Skill Exercises Using the Cooperative Learning Style by the Model of Learning the Skills of Putting Out and Scoring in Football for Students.


  • Yaqoub Yousuf Ibrahim General Directorate of Education in Anbar



skillful exercises، cooperative learning


The effect of proposed skill exercises using the cooperative learning style by the model of learning the skills of putting out and scoring in football for students.

1-To identify the impact of the proposed skill exercises using cooperative learning in the style of the model in learning the skills of putting out and scoring in football.

2-identifying the best learning ability between the control and      experimental research groups in learning the skills of putting out and scoring in football for students.

The researcher has used the experimental method and the correlational relationships for its convenience to the problem and goals of the paper. The community of the paper constitutes (100) students of Al Elm Al Nafi preparatory school. The sample of the study includes (60) students which is (60%) of the community of the study. They have been divided into two

groups: control and experimental. Each group consists of (30) students. As for the survey sample, it consists of (10) students and they have been chosen randomly and they are out of the main experiment.

The main results are:

1- There is a role for the cooperative learning strategy in developing the skills of putting down and scoring in football game for fourth preparatory students.

2-The cooperative learning needs great effort and double action and some times financial budget and certain equipments.

The researcher has recommended:

1- Integration of cooperative learning as training strategy and this will achieve many important goals including building problem - solving skills, competition skill, communication skill as well as leadership skill, making the learner more effective and developing his cognitive experience.

2-Holding training courses for teachers on the cooperative learning method so that they can apply this strategy easily


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How to Cite

يعقوب يوسف إبراهيم, “ The Effect of Proposed Skill Exercises Using the Cooperative Learning Style by the Model of Learning the Skills of Putting Out and Scoring in Football for Students”., jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 220–233, Jun. 2024.