Abuse directed at children (a field study on a sample of middle school students in Baghdad governorate)


  • Asma Abdulhussein Muhamad University of Baghdad/College of Education Women/Educational Psychology




abuse, parents (mother, father), children



  1. The aim of the study: measuring the abuse directed at children by the mother according to the variables of the scale.
  2. Measuring the abuse directed at children by the father according to the variables of the scale.
  3. Know the significance of the differences in the physical abuse for each of the mother and the father according to the variables: A) gender (male, female). B) The achievement level.
  4. Know the significance of the differences in the psychological abuse for each of the mother and the father according to the variables: A) gender (male, female). B) The achievement level.
  5. Know the significance of the differences in neglect for each of the mother and father according to the variables: A) gender (male, female). B) The achievement level.

To achieve the objectives of the research a child abuse scale was devised, after extracting the psychometric characteristics of validity and reliability it was applied to the sample of (900) male and female students from middle schools in Al-Karakh districts (first, second, and third), and the study showed the following results:

  1. The mother abuses her children at an average level; physical abuse comes in the first place with a percentage of (88.22%), then neglect with a percentage of (87.89%), then psychological abuse with a percentage of (86.44).
  2. The father abuses his children at an average level, where neglect comes in the first place with a percentage of (88.67%), followed by physical abuse with a percentage of (88%), then psychological abuse by 86%).
  3. Statistically significant differences in physical abuse appeared as follows:
  • There are no statistically significant differences in physical abuse by the mother according to the gender variable (males, females).
  • There are statistically significant differences in the physical abuse by the father according to the gender variable (males, females), in favour of males.
  • There are statistically significant differences for physical abuse by the mother and the father according to the variable (achievement level).
  1. Statistically significant differences in psychological abuse appeared as follows:
  • There are no statistically significant differences in the psychological abuse by the mother according to the gender variable (males, females).
  • There are statistically significant differences in the psychological abuse by the father, in favour of the males.
  • There are statistically significant differences in the psychological abuse by the mother and father according to the variable (achievement level).

The statistically significant differences in neglect appeared as follows:

  • There are no statistically significant differences in the neglect of the mother and the father according to the gender variable (males, females).
  • There is a statistically significant difference for neglect according to the educational level of the father
  • There are statistically significant differences for neglect by the mother and father according to the variable (achievement level).




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How to Cite

أسماء عبد الحسين محمد, “Abuse directed at children (a field study on a sample of middle school students in Baghdad governorate)”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 411–447, Jun. 2024.