Psychological weakness and its relationship to the performance of the football suppression skill


  • Naseema Abbas Saleh Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Education in Diyala



psychological weakness – Performing the suppression skill


The research problem is determined by psychological frailty, which is one of the psychological problems that pose a great danger to university students, which results in psychological disorders represented by fear, shyness, distress, hysteria and guilt, which negatively affects the personality and behavior of the individual and thus hinders the level of his performance and the lack of his daily activities.

       The goal of the research is to identify frailty Psychology among university students and its relationship to the performance of the suppression skill, and the descriptive approach was used in the manner of correlational relationships, As for the research sample, it was chosen randomly from the students of physical education, amounting to (30) students, with a percentage of 50% of the original community. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between psychological weakness and the performance of female students with the skill of suppression in football. The study came out with a number of recommendations , With a number of recommendations, including providing the appropriate atmosphere for female students in a well-organized manner by parents and the university, and keeping female students away from what scares them about openness and orientation toward others, then addressing the negative aspects of psychological weakness by transforming their energies into positive activities that alleviate the weakness.


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How to Cite

نسيمة عباس صالح, “Psychological weakness and its relationship to the performance of the football suppression skill”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 478–493, Jun. 2024.