The effect of special exercises according to the Tabak model in learning some wrestling grips for students


  • Maha Mohamed Saleh Diyala University/College of Basic Education
  • Hassanein Naji Hussein Diyala University/College of Basic Education
  • muhamad eisaa jud Diyala University/College of Basic Education



the Tabak model


The wrestling lesson is one of the important lessons in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.  The fact that the wrestling game is one of the world games that entered the Olympic competitions;  Because of its excitement and suspense for its followers, as well as its great impact on preparing the student mentally, physically and kinetically, due to the content of the wrestling game in terms of its large number of grips and its defensive and offensive motor skills.  Therefore, attention must be directed to the stages of learning from the practical and theoretical sides. As for the problem of the research, through reading and follow-up of the researcher, he found that most of the teachers do not use modern educational methods and apply them in the field of physical education and sports sciences, where the educational process needs to conduct a diagnosis and analysis from time to time, as the researchers used  The experimental approach is designed by equal groups, due to its suitability and the nature of the problem to be solved. As for the research sample, it is "part of the original research community. The research community was determined by third-stage students at Kut University College, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, consisting of two divisions, one of which is the third division (s 1) for experimental and reached  Their number is (6) students, and the third division (s2) is a female officer, and their number reached (10) students, as the total sample members reached (12) students from the total number of students in the third stage, which is (51) male and female students, after excluding the female students and players who practice the game, who fail, who are absent, and who postpone  One of the most important conclusions reached by the researcher is the superiority of the experimental group that implemented the experimental approach according to Tabak's model in teaching some wrestling grips.


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How to Cite

مها محمد صالح, حسنين ناجي حسين, and محمد عيسى جودة, “The effect of special exercises according to the Tabak model in learning some wrestling grips for students”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 494–513, Jun. 2024.