The Main Model Affects Visual and Audiovisual Devices in Artistic Performanes and Tourist Collection by the Kidnapping of Aspirants


  • Neozen Bekhtyar Salih Sulaymaniyah University – College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



Audiovisual Devices


The research aims to prepare the educational units of a good model associated with visual and audiovisual devices for male students of the Department of Basic Education at the University of Sulaymaniyah, and to know the effectiveness of a good model associated with both audiovisual and visual devices within the educational units in cognitive achievement and performance of the snatch raise in the research sample, and to know the differences between the good model with audiovisual and visual devices Within the educational units in the research variables and in the research sample. The researcher uses the experimental method by designing two experimental groups with a pre and post test to suit it with the nature of the problem. The researcher used the means to collect information and a number of devices and tools, then equalize the sample in physical capabilities, conduct exploratory experiments, implement introductory units as well as pre-test, and prepare educational units of two types (the good model associated with visual devices) and (the good model associated with audiovisual devices) and the implementation of the units and then conducting tests Dimensional, and the use of the electronic statistical bag for data processing. The researcher reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is the superiority of the second experimental group that followed the use of the good model coupled with audio-visual devices over the first experimental group that followed the model with visual devices in the difference between both the level of technical performance and cognitive achievement.


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How to Cite

نەوژین بختیار صالح, “The Main Model Affects Visual and Audiovisual Devices in Artistic Performanes and Tourist Collection by the Kidnapping of Aspirants”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1–24, Sep. 2024.