Focus groups strategy and its impact on the achievement of primary school students in art education Preparation


  • Jalal Abdul Lafta Hassan Diyala University / College of Basic Education



Focus groups


To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher developed the following hypotheses

-There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (5%) between the average achievement scores in the post-test between the experimental group that studied according to the focus group strategy and the control group that studied according to the usual method. To verify the validity of the hypothesis, the researchers used the calculation of the mean and variance of the experimental group’s scores. And the control test in the achievement test (T-test) to find differences between the average of the two samples of the answers of students in the experimental and control groups in the achievement test beforehand..

 -There is no statistically significant difference at a level between (5 0.0) the average achievement scores in the post-skills test between the experimental group that studied according to the focus group strategy and the control group that studied in the usual way. To verify the validity of the hypothesis, the researchers used the calculation of the mean and variance of the experimental group’s scores. The control is in the achievement test (T-test) to find differences between the means of the two samples..

1-Teaching using focus and influence strategies enables learners to take an active role in breaking down technical tasks and skills into simpler concepts and skills and linking them for proper learning, so that previous learners do not depend on receiving, remembering and listening, especially when they are combined with subsequent educational experiences..

2-The use of focus strategies and their effects leads to an increase in the cognitive and skill levels of students in the fourth stage of the Creativity School, which was observed at the level of the experimental group studied according to the use of focus strategies. And its effects..

3-It is clear that the use of the focus strategy and its impact on the experimental group led to the achievement of art education subjects for the students of the Creativity Academy in the fourth stage..

4-Applying the focus strategy and its effect helped the students in the experimental group to acquire the concepts and skills of art education, which provided students with opportunities to link information and skills related to art education, making it easier for them to accept it. Art education. Use the information they have and the skills they have to be exposed to to absorb new skills and concepts..


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How to Cite

جلال عبد لفته حسن, “Focus groups strategy and its impact on the achievement of primary school students in art education Preparation”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 25–39, Sep. 2024.