Training Needs For Teaching Physics Curricula At The Secondary Level From The Point Of View Of Physics Teachers


  • Hind Hadi Rayed وزارة التربية/ المديرية العامة لتربية ديالى



Training Needs, Physics Curricula, Secondary school , Physics Teachers


The research aims to determine the training needs necessary for teaching physics curricula at the secondary stage from the point of view of physics teachers in Diyala Governorate  . In this research) the descriptive Analytical Approach (was used , where a questionnaire was built consisting of four axes (lesson planning , teaching strategies and methods , teaching aids and modern technologies and the evaluations ) . After confirming the validity and reliability of the questionnaire , it was applied to a sample of  112 male and female teachers in the schools of Diyala governorate . After conducting the necessary statistical treatments using the statistical package program (spss), several results were reached. The most important of which are :

1 – The degree of appreciation of the research sample for the training needs and for all the axes of the questionnaire was high, Which means that there are high training needs among the research sample.

2 – The study showed that there is a statistically significant difference between arithmetic mean for estimating training needs between male and female teachers , in favor of the high

arithmetic mean (male teachers) .

3 - The study showed that there were  no statistically significant difference between the average responses of the research sample due to the educational qualification variable .

4 - The study showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the average responses of the research sample due to the variable years of experience , in favor of the group with the highest average , which is the years of experience between (11 – 15 years ).

    Based on this results , the researcher made several recommendations, the most important of which are : providing a special center for conducting training courses for physics teachers so that it is equipped with the latest educational technologies and laboratory materials to present the educational content of the training courses in an attractive and practical way, and to take an advantage of modern technologies in the field of training such as the virtual laboratory to compensate for the shortage in laboratories . It also made several proposals , the most important of which are : conducting studies on the latest programs reached by developed countries to raise the professional competence of physics teachers .


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How to Cite

هند هادي رعيد, “Training Needs For Teaching Physics Curricula At The Secondary Level From The Point Of View Of Physics Teachers ”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 40–66, Sep. 2024.