Communicative Satisfaction among high school teachers


  • Zena Shahed Ali جامعة ديالى – كلية التربية المقداد



The current research aims to identify:

  • The level of communication satisfaction among high school teachers.
  • Identify the significance of the differences in communication satisfaction according to the gender variable.
  • Identify the significance of the differences in communication satisfaction according to the specialization variable.

The research sample consisted of (400) male and female teachers from district center schools (Baquba, Al-Muqdadiya, Baladruz) Of both sexes.  The research sample was chosen by a simple random method with a proportional distribution.  To achieve the research objectives, the researcher adapted the (communicative satisfaction) scale according to a model (Hecht,1978).  The scale consisted of (20) items, and the face validity and construct validity were verified.  The reliability was verified using a retest method, and the reliability coefficient reached (81%). While the reliability coefficient of the tool according to the Cronbach method reached (70%) and using the statistical package (SPSS) as a method.   Statistically, the following results were reached:

  • Secondary school teachers enjoy communicative satisfaction.
  • There are no statistically significant differences in the degree of communication satisfaction according to the gender variable.
  • There are statistically significant differences in the degree of communication satisfaction according to the specialization variable and in favor of scientific specialization.

In light of the findings, the researcher presents a set of recommendations and proposals.



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How to Cite

زينة شهيد علي البندر, “Communicative Satisfaction among high school teachers”, jfath, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 67–90, Sep. 2024.